What is a O-1, O-2, O-3 Visa? The O-1 nonimmigrant visa is…

What is a O-1, O-2, O-3 Visa?

The O-1 nonimmigrant visa is for individuals with exceptional skill in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who have an established record of great performance in the motion picture or television sector that has been recognized nationally or internationally. The O-2 Visa is for Individuals who will accompany an O-1 artist or athlete to help with a specific event or performance and the O-3 Visa which includes spouses and children of O-1 and O-2 visa holders

Can I study on O-2 work visa?

The answer to that is yes, you can study part-time while maintaining your O status. Make sure your studies won’t exceed the time you will be in the United States due to your Visa.

Can you work on an O-1 visa?

Only the organization that sponsors the O-1 petition is allowed to hire O-1 visa holders. As a result, if you work for many employers at the same time, each one must submit a separate petition to USCIS.

Which questions are asked in a O-3 Visa interview?

As most people know, the O-3 visa interview can be very stressful. You have to make sure that you have everything prepared, you make sure that you are well dressed and you look good, and most importantly, you are able to come off as professional and confident. Most consular officers ask questions such as: Do you have a good understanding of English? What are your hobbies, interests, and leisure activities? Where did you come from? What did you do before you came to the U.S.? What do you want to do in the future? What did you like the most about your home country? Why are you going to the U.S.?

What are the required documents for a O-2 Visa?

The following documents are required for an O-2 visa: a completed visa application Form DS-156, One recent photograph of each applicant, two inches square (50mm x 50mm), with the entire face visible, A valid passport, proof of your intention to return to your home country, An official agreement detailing the terms and conditions of the services between you and the petitioner, A contract between you and the O-1 visa holder that establishes your professional relationship, Evidence of a previous professional relationship with the O-1 visa holder, as well as evidence that you are capable of assisting the O-1 visa holder!

How much does the O-3 Visa cost?

The fee for applying for an O-3 visa is $190. To continue with your application and have it processed further, you must pay this fee and show the proof at your Visa interview at the consulate/embassy.

How many O-1 Visas have been issued lately?

In the past years many O-1 Visas have been issued! The number of O1 visas have been going down lately but they will surely go up once the situation gets better and it will go gradually  

Who is eligible for the O-2 Visa?

To qualify for an O-2 visa, you must demonstrate that you are an essential component of the O-1 principal’s real performance and that you have vital skills and expertise that are not of a generic character and cannot be done by others.  